Sunday, October 04, 2009

Fever Watch 2009

We are on fever watch here at casa de phillips.

Yesterday morning was spent cleaning out our entire attic. After a healthy breakfast of donuts (we walked to the donut shop, which totally makes the large chocolate twist I consumed healthy), we set up for a morning outside. The kids rode bikes and trikes (Isaac's stems from Berenstain Bears) while Tobe and I pulled everything down from the attic and organized it. There was only one bike wreck, involving Miss E. and her new purple princess trike. Despite our best efforts to block off all dangerous areas of their "bike and trike" course, the girl ended up in the street with her trike on top of her. Fortunately she only had a scraped elbow and a slightly hysterical mother and was up riding again in no time.

Around lunchtime we realized E. had grown increasingly quiet (only happens when the girl is asleep) and that is when we first detected the fever. She has been battling it ever since. We have been instructed to go in for a flu test once we hit the 48 hour fever mark. Hopefully we will not have to go that route. I am attempting to avoid the petri dish that is the pediatrician's waiting room during H1N1 panic.

Last night I left the husband on fever duty and set out to join a group of strangers. Seriously. Before you wonder if my parents never had the "stranger danger" conversation with me, allow me to explain. BurbMom (aka Texas Holly aka June Cleaver) hosted a blog party for bloggers in my area. Hoping to meet some new area bloggers, I opted out of wearing my mom-iform and tossed on my best Target dress and set out in the rain.

The party was great fun, involving organic pizza, excessive amounts of cheesecake, and a lovely house tour (unfortunately said Target dress did not allow me to fully experience the slide in the playroom). Blogs were discussed, pictures were taken, tweets were sent out, and fun and merriment ensued. I fought my inner shy girl and made some new friends from the blog world.

Good times.

Today the Target dress has been put back into the closet, jeans and t-shirt are on, and Fever Watch 2009 continues. Now if only I can keep Miss E. from attempting to feed her brother cheerios, then hopefully this bug will hit the road soon...


Jordan said...

I'm anxious to hear how the fever watch ends, but mostly WHERE ARE THE PICTURES OF THE ATTIC?! :)

You just have the knack to make everything sound exciting.

Hope everyone feels better soon!

Phillips Family said...

Perhaps if we start a blog movement, Tobe will take a picture of the attic. It isn't pretty...just organized. I HATE going up there and have only ventured up the steps about four times in the 7 years we have lived in our house.

Amy said...

SO nice meeting you last night! You are delightful!

I hope your little one gets better soon!

Jami said...

Poor Evelyn I hope Isaac doesn't get it much less I hope you DO NOT have to go the Dr. we took Tripp this past week and I felt like the germs were all over us!!!

Robin said...

Jeremy is taking Ian to the doctor as I type...he ran a fever for almost two days, so we decided to take him in. I'm anxiously awaiting the results! We think it's just a cold, but you never know, right??? Hope sweet Evelyn is better very soon and that the rest of the casa escapes!


Alyssa @ KeepingTheKingdomFirst said...

You know, I never would have guessed that dress is from Target! It was lovely meeting you the other night. Hope your little one is feeling better!