A year ago today we saw Isaac for the first time. Can't say he was much of a looker then.....
And here he is now, hanging out in his favorite spot--his changing table (location of birth announcement pictures as well!). We aren't quite sure what we will do when he outgrows this table, considering it can calm him down when he is upset. I wonder how much weight a Jenny Lind piece of furniture can hold....
Aside from that piece of sentiment, I have a complaint with Matt Lauer today. This morning he was reporting live for the Today show from the scene of the horrible mining accident. First, let me say that this is a terrible tragedy, especially considering the misinformation that was reported (another example of why the game "Telephone" teaches such an important life concept). Now my beef with Matt Lauer--he was live with a gentleman who had lost his father in the mining accident and the governor of the state. Matt was attempting to ask the grieving man introspective questions, such as "Tell us what kind of man your father was." and "How does this tragedy affect your community?" I am not sure what answers or type of response Matt thought he would get from someone who has been awaiting to hear the fate of his father for days and has heard two conflicting stories about the condition of the miners in the past six hours. The response Matt did get was a bunch of jumbled, angry words and incoherent statements. Since when did putting a grieving human on TV become quality programming? I felt sad and embarrassed for this man as he was on national TV in a state of shock and grief. Matt Lauer seems to have a compassionate heart--why did he conduct such an interview? Apparently after the cameras went back to Katie in NYC, the man had very harsh words for the governor (who can blame him?). Of course, once the cameras were back on Matt he had to share the details of these harsh words.
So my question is when are we as a people going to stop craving the sensationalism of our fellow man? Why did the Today show producers think that their viewing audience wanted to see someone in the grip of grief? Why do we care if Angelina has Brad's baby? Hopefully soon the viewing public will tire of reality TV and its voyeuristic nature and resume interest in quality programming and compassionate journalism -- especially now that the 4th season of Newlyweds isn't going to happen.