Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Baby Einstein at the Alamo

No, Baby Einstein at the Alamo is not the newest Disney On Ice production. It is a summary of our Sunday night. Last week found us in Arkansas, visiting the family. Isaac and I flew there last Tuesday morning and Tobe joined us on Friday afternoon. The three of us (Tobe, Isaac, and myself) flew back home on Sunday night. Those of you who live in the DFW area witnessed the gully-washer that was Sunday's weather. Not a choice time to fly, especially with a baby. We gleefully boarded our Southwest flight in Little Rock, with the knowledge that Dallas was having a "little" weather. Once in the air, we were informed there would be no beverage service. No problem, since it would only be a 45 minute flight. Well, that flight turned into a two hour flight as we circled Love Field, waiting for the weather to clear and for the airport to reopen. Then our cheerful captain comes over the speaker and announces that rather than landing in Dallas, we are going to make a quick stop in San Antonio (another 45 minute flight) for some gas and perhaps a layover. Normally, I would have been angered by this and then resign myself to the fact this is the nature of air travel. However, we were traveling with a baby and pure panic set in. I had images of us sleeping in a San Antonio terminal with a baby who really prefers a crib for all sleep-related activities. Would I have to resort to feeding Isaac a Cinnabon? Would he cry for hours on end? Would his bath time occur in the sink of the women's bathroom? We had no stroller with us, only a Bjorn and an infant carseat. I immediately began making the "How to Survive a Night in an Airport" plan in my head.

We land in San Antonio and were relieved to discover we would be returning to Dallas. Isaac watched a little Baby Einstein on the laptop and slept some. We were able to score some water to make a spare bottle (The flight attendant gave us water, but told the other passengers they had to wait. We got the special treatment because we had a baby. I almost told her the "baby" needed a coke and some of that tasty Chex Mix, but refrained.). Isaac played in his carseat and slept a little on the way back to Dallas. As we were deplaning, one lady commented, "I didn't even know there was a baby on the plane." Another told us that Isaac looked like the baby in the movie "Baby's Day Out" (don't think that was ever on the Academy Award's ballot and I remember that movie playing at the theater I worked at in high school--very old reference). After four hours of flying, we finally made it to Dallas, only to discover half the roads were flooded and we had to be creative in finding our way home. It was then that Isaac decided to scream. Our home never looked so good as we pulled in the driveway.


We had a great time in Arkansas. Isaac had a double ear infection, so he wasn't 100%. However he managed to throw out some smiles and a few giggles--just enough to once again win over the family. Thursday night found me seated around a table with all my close friends (minus one who was home with a sick baby and terribly missed!!!) from high school. What a blessing to remain friends with these women, some whom I have known my whole life. Despite the fact that we had not all been together since my wedding, we picked up right where we left off. Sitting at our table in McAllisters reminded me of all of us crowded around "our" table, forever breaking the "four chairs only" rule in our high school cafeteria (This time was often spent scheming up ways to liven up our small-town high school--such as the time we had everyone in our 5th period history class take an apple off the lunch line and leave it on the desk of our easily-embarrassed History teacher. Boy that was hilarious at the time and now it just seems dumb. Perhaps I have matured.) How time has changed those conversations. It was once boys, teachers, and drama. Now it is babies, husbands,careers, and serious life issues such as cancer and passing of loved ones. I know I will find myself sitting around a table with these girls repeatedly through my life, laughing over the same old memories (to the dismay of our husbands) and sharing life's newest joy and sorrow. God blessed me with the most amazing friends in high school and in college, friends I will always have no matter how far apart we are at the moment.

Isaac was able to attend the first birthday party of my oldest friend ("oldest" meaning that I have known her since birth and not that she is 134 years old)'s little girl while in Arkansas. Isaac is really getting into other babies, wanting to touch them and smile at them and this little girl was no exception. The highlight of the birthday party was when my friend's husband was holding Isaac on one knee and his daughter (birthday girl) on the other. Isaac thoughtfully reached over and pulled the little girl's baby ponytail as hard as he could. Many tears followed. Today in the mail we received a thank-you note from that party. The front read, "Lynley and Isaac, thank you for coming to my party...." and the inside said "and for pulling my hair." At least we are starting this whole boy thing off right!


Amy C said...

That is so cute. Sounds like a refreshing trip, except for the flight. Glad you had a fabulous time! Amy

Unknown said...

Yeah for Isaac's impressive display of manners on the airplane! Glad you guys made it back safe and had a great time.

Phillips Family said...

Laura--You need a blog now so that we can all catch up on your two kids and life in the Drury household!

The Honey Family said...

I laughed so hard I cried! You are amazing with words. You really need to start on a book! I believe writing is your hidden talent (or not so hidden).