Thursday, December 27, 2007

Surviving Christmas

This picture of Evelyn sums up our past few days....although joyous; Christmas ran us over, backed-up, and plowed us once again. And we still have two more "Christmas-es" to go. I hope we survive.

Sunday morning the Phillips family headed West before the sun rose over the city. Although we were initially apprehensive about driving six+ hours in the car with two small children, the trip was wonderful. Isaac entertained himself with the smallest things (stickers and a bag of dry Cheerios were the favorites of the trip) and Evelyn napped and chatted at amazing loud decibels. Tobe and I love a good road trip and it was quite comforting to know that our children were good little riders (this time).

Families were visited, presents were given and received, and much food was consumed. However Tobe and I quickly realized that traveling with children and attempting to relax and enjoy the holiday season is a combination that does not blend together well. Isaac and Evelyn were great little troopers, but Tobe and I did decide to not travel this upcoming weekend as originally planned (Our extended families live 12 hours apart and we usually go to both locations during Christmas. Because they are awesome, my parents have agreed to come to casa de phillips to celebrate Christmas rather than us going to their home.). We are almost giddy over the fact that come Sunday we do not have to navigate any security check-points or pack any suitcases.

The biggest tragedy of our Christmas travels was the loss of an important family member. Before you become saddened and start writing sympathy cards, please know that this family member is about nine inches high, is covered in fur, and answers to the name "Lil Ink-Ink". Somehow Lil InkInk jumped out of the diaper bag in the four days we were traveling and did not return to casa de phillips. Fortunately I had spied a display of Lil Ink Inks (known to many of you as the miniature Gund teddy bear) at our Tuesday Morning a few weeks back. Upon arriving in town yesterday, I raced to Tuesday Morning to see if I could find a replacement InkInk before Isaac woke from his nap (He had gone to bed quite sad about the disappearance of his friend, whom we said most likely still needed to be unloaded from the car...along with the mountain of items we had taken with us.). The display had been replaced by drastically reduced Christmas merchandise, which caused me to panic and envision myself paying $95 on Ebay for a replacement Lil Ink Ink. I was saved by two kind employees willing to scour the shelves and back storage spaces for our beloved bear. Fortunately they found two leftover from the previous display...both of which I purchased. Lil Ink Ink II seems to have found his place in casa de phillips because Isaac has not realized there has been a switch. Please do not mention this substitution to him until he is at least 27.

Both kids seem to relish the fact that we have once again returned home. Isaac pulled out every possession he owned upon walking through the door, bouncing from one room to the other gleefully. However I think all the excitement is catching up with him because last night at supper he asked if he could go take a nap rather than finishing his meal.

Evelyn is perfecting her art of scooting in hopes of getting to Isaac's new toys. The girl is quick and I have spied her aggressively lunging in the direction of anything associated with Isaac. Once this girl really starts crawling (which we believe to be quite soon), the sibling battle is about to be on. Perhaps I should seek out a prescription for my nerves before then...

Tonight we are tucked safely in the warm walls of casa de phillips, baskets of presents to be unloaded and laundry to be washed. We are thankful for a safe journey and ever so grateful to be home. Hopefully your season was equally as blessed.


Unknown said...

Lovely summary of your christmas trip. travelling with small kids can be so stressful - well done for surviving! Now we have 3 kids, we no longer go anywhere on Christmas day, except across the road to our neighbours for mince pies and mulled wine. My parents came over for dinner, and my father in law called in later. Everyone was wii-ing. Fortunately in N Ireland, no-one can live too far away!

Kelly said...

Sounds like a lot of fun...tiring, but fun!

Shanta said...

Merry Christmas and Happy New year guys! I'm so glad you had a safe trip to see the family. It looks like Isaac and Evelyn had a wonderful time. Your kids are so photgenic :)

Amy said...

We too have family spread out over 12 hours and actually did subject our little family of 4 to two trips along that span. We are surviving the last days of our adventure and I am thoroughly amazed at how well our kids are doing, though nerves are a litte raw:-)

Glad you were able to share Christmas with Mom & Dad at casa de phillips!

Shelley said...

Glad you have survived! The holidays are always so fun, but can wear you down! Happy New Year :)