Monday, February 13, 2006

What they didn't tell you in childbirth class...

I could preach for days on the subject of what they did not tell us in childbirth class. Tobe and I attended an excellent course with wonderful, knowledgeable teachers. However, I find myself often thinking, "They didn't tell me THAT during class..."

A few weeks ago I bumped into one of our instructors who asked how the whole labor/Mommy think went and is currently going. I told her labor went well (left out the 26 1/2 hours and 2 hour pushing part) and that I loved being a Mommy. Because I know that our wonderful teacher is not a reader of this blog, I will know discuss one thing that they did not tell me during childbirth preparedness class.

No one told me that I would basically have to become a professional bodybuilder just to haul around baby and baby carrier. I did a lot of research before we registered/bought any baby items to make sure we were getting high quality items at a good price. Although I thought I did my homework on choosing a quality baby carrier, I obviously never factored in the idea that I would one day have to carry carrier and child together. Despite the fact that Isaac is at the six month mark, we are still using the carrier until he can sit unsupported. Add together the ten pounds the carrier weighs and the 16 pounds Isaac weighs and that is a lot to haul around. I quickly discovered the need to park by cart returns and always have a stroller in the trunk. However, this morning we had to mail some things at the post office. Since there are no shopping carts at the post office and it seemed very time-consuming to drag out the stroller, I decided to take Isaac and carrier plus our mail inside. As I trudged towards the front door, hoping to find a kind soul to help me get the door open, a Brittany wannabe with an unseasonable tan,cropped tank-top, sagging sweat pants, and flip-flops raced ahead of me and basically allowed the door to shut in my face. Then I managed to drop about half my mail as I attempted to open the door while at the same time Isaac decided Spiderman wanted to dive to the ground. Fixed that crisis and then made my way to the cheerful line of postal customers, holding this 26 pounds of plastic and love. As beads of sweat are glistening on my face and I am contemplating if stripping down would be inappropriate, I finally was granted my turn at the postal counter. The worker tried to make small talk, commenting on how Isaac couldn't possibly be my baby....too young-looking...what will the Dallas Cowboys squad do without me now that I am a mom (no joke, this was actually said. Those that know me well are probably laughing hysterically at the thought of me being a cheerleader. Those who are not so familiar with my lack of grace, just ask Tobe about the time I managed to hit myself in the face when I sneezed. This postal worker is known for being over-complimentary of all customers--he makes a point of always saying something gracious to each person in his line. I went in to buy some stamps about one week before I had Isaac and he said I barely looked pregnant. Wish I could say that was true, but I did resemble the Stay-Puff marshmallow Man by that point.) I refrained from telling the nice man that I just want to mail my packages and retreat back to my car before my arm falls off. Finally the packages are sent and I trudge back to my car, my arms feeling like spaghetti. I make a mental note that tomorrow I can skip the bicep curls at the gym and vow never again to go to the post office until Isaac can walk.


Unknown said...

I have had a very similar experience at the PO! My right arm is way stronger than my left after carrying around babies.

Unknown said...

Amen to the heaviness of a child and the carrier! I always thought twice about going places without Boone there to carry Jackson around! Also, I love the picture! Isaac is precious.

I looked at the tag on the giraffe blanket, and it says that it is from Animal Alley in Babies/Toys r Us. Then on the other side of the tag, it says that it was created for Geoffrey's, so you may try to find a Geoffrey's. I can look for you here, but the Geoffrey's is closing at the end of the month. There isn't much left in the baby department. Geoffrey's is the same company as Babies/Toys r Us though. I hope this helps!

Unknown said...

I had to go to Target tonight, so I popped into Geoffrey's also. They didn't have the exact giraffe blanket thing, but they did have a blue spotted blanket. It kind of looks like a bear, but I assume it is supposed to be some sort of spotted animal. It was really cheap, so I went ahead and bought it; however, if you don't want it, I can just keep it for Jackson or give it as a gift, so don't feel pressured.