Friday, April 28, 2006

Let Me See Those Pearly Whites

Tooth Watch 2006 is over, dear readers. Yesterday as Isaac and I played a rousing game of "Eyes, Nose, Mouth," he grabbed my finger when I touched his mouth. Because his sweet mouth has been without teeth up to this point, I allow him to chew on my fingers, hands, nose, etc (we call such actions "kisses."---when you have a baby as anti-cuddly as Isaac, you take what you can get). However, when Isaac so affectionately chomped down on my finger yesterday I felt a sharp prick. It was his first tooth! I got so excited that I scared Isaac.

I figured something was up with him yesterday when he whimpered on and off throughout the day and cried during our walk. I had inspected his entire body countless times for signs of chicken pox or shingles because the nurse said unusual fussiness could be an indication of infection. I did find a red dot on his lower back and then upon closer inspection realized it was fuzz from his romper. Now I know that sadness is because of his beautiful white tooth just beginning to pop through his gums. This beauty is on the top, next to where his front right tooth will one day reside. My mom said that old women call such teeth "eye teeth."

So far this new tooth has only brought some occasional sadness, which is a blessing. I was prepared to be up a lot last night, consoling and comforting. By the way, Isaac seems to be doing significantly better with his separation anxiety at night. After posting a blog on this topic, I read on the internet to put the shirt I had worn that day in the crib with Isaac at night. He then senses me and is able to fall back asleep happy when he wakes in the middle of the night. This has worked like a charm. Usually when I check on him before I go to bed, he is laying on top of my shirt, snuggled down for the night. I recommend this if you are having similar issues (only if your child is able to roll over both ways with ease--I do not want to be responsible for any SIDS cases out there!)

Apologies go out to anyone who was attempting to dine last night at the TGI Fridays on 377. It was Birthday Club supper for the girls from church and I do think we were quite boisterous. I had quite the enjoyable time and savored every piece of my delicious sopapilla cheesecake (made by queen chef Paige). It was amusing to watch everyone stall as dinner came to a close, checking their watches to see if they had successfully missed bathtime and bedtime at their respective households. Moms need breaks too!

I hear the predicted thunderstorms rolling in. Time to bunker down and enjoy the weather!


Unknown said...

That is so interesting about the shirt in the crib. And so sweet that Isaac sleeps on top of it. It was a fun time at birthday club. I always enjoy the occasional nights out. And I was successful in missing bedtime and bathtime!

Amy C said...

If the teeth really start hurting, you can dip your finger in benadryl and rub it on the gums. It really helps.

I too sucessfully dodged bath and bed time.

Happy Birthday! Late as it may be ;)

Jennifer Schroeder said...

do i get to celebrate missing my own bed and bathtime?

and as for my blog, i messed it up a few weeks ago, and i just haven't gotten around to getting it placed back up.

Ashley said...

Thanks for the shirt in the crib tip. I am sure we will need it before too long!

Happy Late Birthday!

Amber Smith said...

I've just been catching up on your blog. I love the hiney picture of Isaac. I really enjoy reading about your life. You are too funny!