Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Camera Hog

Blogger finally has me in its good graces again and here are the pictures promised earlier.
Already starting to cheer for the Mavs game tonight

Searching for the perfect toy in his closet while he thinks I am not looking
(NOTE: We do not normally make our child wear hats, however he had just finished up a photo shoot for his birthday invitations)

Mommy's Helper, who had been forced to play in his crib while I cleaned his room last week. The Pledge can was just too tempting.....


Unknown said...

Did you know Joe and Sharon got divorced? Maybe Sharon got the BBQ in her half of the divorce and started her own place. I also saw the Britney interview and I could not help but feel sorry for the girl. She could be the poster child for Money can't buy happiness.

You might also be interested to know that the equivalent to the number 6 in Hebrew is the letter we know as "w" which means www is 666 and I'm pretty sure that's why blogger never lets the Christians put up their pictures and loses their comments.

We drove by 1017 after Memorial Day when we were there too. I'm happy to have "passed our house" onto people who enjoyed the times there as much as we did.

Amy C said...

I must say as I have read your recent posts I enjoyed your self proclaimed slipping in posting.

Mobile children will do that to you. Never despair of this. It will only adds a depth to your writing. Your stories are always so entertaining!

Isaac is so cute. Isn't is sad to see that empty seat in the back. When you aren't blogging, I will just smile to know you are chasing the next Jackie Chan.

That is really disturbing about www. Creepy.

Alison said...

I did see the Britney interview on Thursday night. Apparently it was so "intriguing" to people that they re-ran it on Friday night also. I personally was rooting for her false eyelashes to fall off, which they almost did during the crying scene!

Loved reading about your recent trip to Ab! Mike and Katie were there last weekend as well. You and Katie could have met up and stomped in the Ad building!

Phillips Family said...

Alison--I totally meant to comment on the eyelash thing but forgot. Don't you know Matt was trying not to look directly at her?