Friday, June 30, 2006

While Mommy's Away.....

….Hello out there blog world!!!!! Though many of you have heard of me, few of you have heard from me. Well, tonight my mommy went out with some friends to see a movie, so it was just me and daddy at home. Hanging out with just my daddy is pretty cool, cuz he lets me do three of my top favorite things:
1. Chill out in my underwear.
2. Control the “clicker” (mommy’s Arkansas word for the remote control)
3. Drink Big RedHanging out with Daddy is soooooooo way cool. Daddy promised me that next time mommy goes to a movie, I can run the lawn mower!
I will talk to you all again soon.
Oh Sweet Big Red!!!


Phillips Family said...

Perhaps we should postpone the next Girls Night until Isaac is 18 and can prevent such antics inspired by his father.


PS. Who DOESN'T call it the clicker? Uncool people, that's who.

Unknown said...

Or possibly plan another girl's night twice per week for the next 17.1 years until Isaac turns 18. I believe that would prevent any father from providing prohibited drinks and activities. Or even better, give Isaac some Big Red in his bottle before said Girl's Night and let the chips fall where they may.

Pearson Family said...

Way too funny. I came home to Parker and Stacey in bed with the projector showing Bug's Life on the bedroom wall. The worst part...they started the movie at 10:00!!! Parker stayed up and watched the whole thing. Poor guy is still asleep as I type at 9:24 am.

Unknown said...

This post is too funny! My husband actually does allow our son to hang out in his diaper and thought I was a snob for not allowing him to take Jackson to Wal-Mart in just his diaper and a t-shirt. What movie did you see?

Jennifer Schroeder said...

too funny!

DKDFW said...

Clicker? What the?