Friday, July 28, 2006

13 "Uh-oh's" That Happened This Week
1. I attempted to make crepes without a crepe pan or sifting the flour before mixing the batter. Needless to say, we ended up using wheat bread rather than the crepes for our Ham and Cheese Crepes.
2. Isaac learned that if you pull yourself up on the gliding ottoman that accompanies the gliding rocker, you will flip yourself and the ottoman upside down rather quickly. No tears, just one very stunned little boy.
3. Infant swim class will come to an abrupt halt if you take the babies out of the warm big pool where they hang out with mom and then put them in the chilly baby pool with the loud buckets of water that randomly tip over.
4.I accident's washed our red placemats with our off-white sheets. Last night we blissfully went to sleep between pink 400 thread count sheets that were a Christmas present a few years ago.
5.I made a "practice" (concept cake--right Tobe?) smash cake in preparing for Isaac's first birthday next week. I have never decorated a real cake before and I didn't think the Mexican flag theme would work for Isaac's safari party. However, I underestimated how much golden yellow icing one giraffe face would need. The plan was for Tobe to take the practice cake to work so fellow employees could munch on it and we would not be tempted with its presence in our house. The cake did go to work, despite the fact that the top part was not adequately iced.
6. My keys and my purse were locked safely inside my car, which I did not realize until Tobe was already at work thirty minutes away. Fortunately roadside assistance is also considered to be one's garage. The dealership cut me a new key and delivered it to my doorstep.
7. The new key did not open the doors or trunk to my car and I had to send the man back to cut another one. (By the way, if you do happen to lock your keys into your car you can supposedly have your spouse hit their keyless remote entry over the phone--while holding your phone up to the car--and it will sometimes unlock the doors. This did not work for us.)
8. I was completely shocked by Lance Bass' announcement, which apparently has been an unspoken rumor for quite sometime. I have to get out more or at least make sure I am catching the Entertainment report on The Ticket every afternoon!
9. Isaac learned how to turn the TV on and off.
10. Isaac learned how to turn the computer on and off.
11. Isaac's little arm was pinched by the kitchen door. After the major crocodile tears dried, he was fine.
12. Isaac came to understand that blowing bubbles in the pool water does not mean opening your mouth and allowing as much liquid to rush in as possible.
13. I purchased a new set of big hot rollers at ULTA only to open the box and discover that some of the pieces were missing and the rollers had been used. I about threw-up in the box before sealing it shut. I will be making a return this weekend!
What was your "UhOh" this week?


Ashley said...

I remember hearing that about Lance Bass a couple of years ago and being in denial. Why come out to People magazine???

My uh-oh this week...I forgot to take off my make up and ended up with the world's largest pimple on my chin.

Unknown said...

My biggest uh-oh this week was taking my boys and another boy to a "free" movie which I have done all summer. Unfortunately this time two busloads of daycare kids made reservations. We got inside the theatre to the place where normally tickets are taken and one is directed to their movie before we heard that the movie theatre was filled to capacity. Lots of drama ensued as I dragged three boys out of the building, one crying, one stomping and one saying over and over again, "Why can't we see Curious George? Why can't we see Curious George?"

Alison said...

1. I tripped over the baby doll stroller in the middle of the night, bruising it, my foot, and my butt in the process.
2. I forgot to buy baby wipes at the store and had to clean Morgan's dirty bottom with dry toilet paper (not an easy task).
3. I was so suprised to find out Lance Bass was gay. After thinking about it for awhile, though, it didn't seem to be so shocking. Still, though, what planet had I been living on?

amerriman said...

My big Uh-Oh of the CENTURY was locking the keys in car with a baby in it!!!! Anytime you need a place for a cake to go (iced or uniced), we will take it! Loved your blog, thanks for the laughs!

1literatimommy said...

you are so funny! my biggest uhoh this week was my whole zoo trip on monday.