Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Give Peas a Chance...

Across dinner tables nightly, battle lines are drawn. Parent stands-off against child, child stands-off against parent. Agents of war such as green peas, leafy spinach and baked chicken stand guard in the middle of the battle, wondering if they will indeed be consumed.

This battle of wills, centered around a parent's desire for a child to consume healthy food and a child's desire to exert Independence, has been waging for decades. Parent and child fought over consuming the Swedish meatballs of the 1960's, the casseroles of the 1980's, and the processed food of this decade. Dinnertime does not have to be a family battle field. Parents do not have to leave the table frustrated nor do children have to be forced on a nightly basis to consume food they do not like. Peace can be achieved at the dinner table, even on nights brussel sprouts are on the menu...(to read more, please go here)

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