Apparently I need to tighten the security on my laptop considering my "
Three Year Old" (aka
sneaky husband) broke into my password-secured blog. Hmmm....
My 36 hours away with the college roomies were excellent.
We met for lunch in Salado where there were no chicken nuggets to cut into tiny pieces, no spilled sippy cups, and no requests for coloring books or crayons. We then headed out to do some serious shopping without having to push a stroller or hold a sticky little hand. I must say that it was glorious.
We were fortunate to stay at
this cute Bed and Breakfast and blessed to have fellow inn-mates who did not seem to mind our endless chatter and laughter (
If they did mind, they never mentioned it....just like we never mentioned to the couple next door that we heard the man snoring all night long. Polite girls, aren't we?)After checking into the B&B and breaking out the snacks, we dug into our Official Souvenir Box. God blessed me with friends as quirky as myself, ones that think keeping a large plastic container of random pictures and memories is perfectly rational. We are all thankful that Alison's mom graciously stores this container at her home.
Examining the contents of the box
(Which included menus from a variety of restaurants that Alison and I used to decorate our Sophomore apartment, a signed poster of "Kool", clues from a Scavenger Hunt/Sadie's date we hosted, Social Club pledge pins, and an armrest from a chapel seat where we had engraved our names....see what I mean by "quirky?" Bless our hearts.)
The box of Shake and Bake...circa undetermined. I could not find an expiration date on this box, which slightly alarms me that there might not possibly be an expiration date. Alison and I are fairly confident this box was purchased during the Fall of our Sophomore year, which would be 1996...making the contents 12 years old. Roasted potatoes, anyone?
By the way, this is Kara holding the box)

Ready to hit the town for dinner
Sunday morning fellowship on the front porch...notice how everyone looks well-rested after not having to sleep next to a baby monitor all night or getting up early to fetch a toddler a glass of juice.

The "Original" Roomies...Alison and myself
After more shopping and a late lunch, we all headed back to our respective families. I was excited to see my little family when I walked into casa de phillips, expecting my children to come rushing to me. Isaac greeted me excitedly, only to tell me that we currently had company (a good friend of ours was watching the Cowboys game with Tobe) and Evelyn looked up at me from where she was playing, gave me a hard stare, and then continued playing. At least my husband was happy to see me (who did the most excellent job of planning actives for the kids over the weekend and keeping everyone healthy and happy...he seriously should be nominated for "Husband of the Century.").
Yeah for Roomie Reunion '08.... I am already counting down the days until our next one!
So glad you had a good time away!!
Glad you guys had a well deserved good time
I had so much to catch up on! I loved the list about yourself, Tobe's blogging (he STILL cracks me up) and the recap of the roomie weekend. I hope the Murrays will one day see the Philips family in person while we live in this same metro area. :)
Girl time is the best and is SO important! It sounds like it was a lot of fun.
Now that I live in Abilene I occasionally drive by your old digs on Washington Ave and always think of all you who used to live there. Sometimes you can see through the window and there is a composite hanging up in there. Hopefully a new batch of Wildcats are building great relationships like you once did there.
Isaac's blog was also very entertaining. Every kid should have an occasional weekend full of dad time and Big Red.
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