Friday, February 27, 2009
Friday Finds: UPDATED
*Running of the Brides
"Friends" had Monica participate in the "Running of the Brides" during her wedding planning days. Loved it. This morning on The Today Show the beginning minutes of this year's NYC race were aired. Again, loved it. Despite the fact that I have been married for almost eight years and already own a beautiful wedding gown that was merely worn for a few hours, I kind of want to do the whole "Running of the Brides" thing. It is no secret that I *heart* a good bargain...especially one that requires some quick moves and possibly throwing around an elbow or two. Perhaps Tobe and I should decide to renew our vows one day just so I have an excuse to attend such a sale...
*The Questions Being Raised About "Jon and Kate Plus 8"
I have talked about Jon and Kate and their crew before, usually as a fan of the show in the past. However, their reality television ride is starting to gather some questions and ol J&K are beginning to raise some eyebrows. I found the above article to be quite interesting, a bit disturbing, and a tad hopeful that perhaps someone will realize children and reality television are not a great combination. Again, remember if someone every approaches you to turn your life into reality TV...just say "No!"
*Potty Training Tidbits from a Mommy Blogger
I am gearing up to head down the potty road with Miss E. She has shown signs of readiness for quite a while now and a teacher in her bible class recently commented that she felt that Evelyn was ready to use the potty as well. Although entering the diaper-free world before the age of two seems a bit scary, I think we should take this leap while E. shows interest. We are in the "discussion" stage with her right now, reading some books and talking about big girl underwear. In fact, she and I just purchased her first pair of big girl panties this morning, complete with Cinderella and ruffles adorning them. (Thanks, Ginger, for your Princess Pep Talk). Our other options, other than plain ol pink, were either My Little Pony (a strong contender...E. loves her ponies) or Bratz (terribly scared the 2T package might possibly contain a thong). Obviously we went with Cinderella.
*Our Destination Tomorrow
I am hoping neither child passes out from fright or sheer excitement. I am praying their parents' nerves can handle all the frenzy as well.
*A Tad Too Much Multitasking
Really? The part I really like from this story is the fact the lady was also talking on her cell phone. People really scare me sometimes.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
"I Very Much Like That"
That is music to my mommy ears and fortunately we were merely dining on homemade burgers, fries, and baked beans. Easy-peasy.
Lately when Isaac likes something he says, "I very much like that." Gosh, the whole mismatched sentence of a three year old just melts my heart. His new "I very much like that" item is fruit salsa. He has added it to his "Please make this every night" menu.
In honor of the fact that it was 85 degrees here today (ugh), my son got his first sunburn (In February!!!), and because strawberries are on sale the weeks following Valentines Day (did you know that little tidbit), I will now share with you my lovely fruit salsa recipe:
A pint of fresh strawberries (Frozen won't work with this)
One large Granny Smith Apple
One orange
Fresh tortillas (fresh, rather than processed, tortillas will change your life. I get mine here.)
Cinnamon/sugar combo (Make your own by using two parts sugar and one part cinnamon)
Cut the apples and strawberries into very small pieces.
Serve fruit salsa with cinnamon chips and listen to your family proclaim, "I very much like that!"
Yesterday morning I noted that Evelyn was sleeping quite later than usual. I went in her room to wake her when I discovered a stomach bug had struck her sometime in the early morning hours. The poor girl just lay frozen in a big mess in her bed.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
The Princess Phenomenon
Lord, help us.
Honestly I am not really sure what I think about the whole princess phenomenon. If you have been a reader for any amount of time at all, you know by now that we have no issue with the Disney Corporation itself. In fact, we are likely responsible for the top CEO's receiving bonuses this year despite a recession.
It is the notion of a princess that causes me to pause just a bit.
When Evelyn was a baby, I decided we would not take the Disney Princess route when she became older. We are not fond of calling her "Princess" because quite honestly she holds not one drop of royal blood in her little body that we are aware of. We love our children to pieces, but in no means do we believe either of them to be of such prestigious lineage.
Evelyn is beyond precious and the world is at her feet, but I feel a bit hesitant about calling her a nickname that might promote a feeling of entitlement. Long story short, we have never called her a princess. We prefer to stick to such endearing terms as "Bay-wa" or "Ev", which will likely cause her great embarrassment when referred to as such names during the adolescent years.
When we began Christmas shopping this past fall, I spotted a plush Cinderella doll and coordinating pony that would make a perfect gift for E. Cinderella's hair can be combed, the horse can be groomed, and both are soft enough to be loved on fiercely by a 1.5 year old little girl. My idea of "No Princesses" was a bit lost as I admired Cinderella's beautiful, yet durable, ball gown. "Cin-a-rell-a" has become a cherished toy, often spending her days being pushed to and fro in the baby stroller.
Due to that Disney
Obviously, I have backtracked a bit on the whole "No Disney Princess at My House" rule just a bit. Now I am left wondering how one juggles princess play without becoming princess obsessed. How do I let Evelyn soak up all the romance and beauty of a dew faced young girl matched with a strapping lad while letting her know that despite their stunning effect, Sleeping Beauty likely is pretty rough looking at 5:30am and Prince Charming often times leaves old dirty socks laying around the castle? That although fun, very few of us get to ride around on a magic carpet over our kingdom and rarely does my Fairy Godmother stop by for a visit.
Ugh. This whole parenting thing is tough sometimes.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Those Darn Fisher Price Little People
Often times I would see a child playing at the sandtable, muttering things to themselves. On the occasions that I could make out what was being said I would hear the child reenacting prior conversations (usually with a parent) or situations.
Play is a great tool for kids to convey what exactly is on their little minds, behavior issue or not.
Monday is one of my favorite days of the week because I keep us home on that day. I attempt to avoid scheduling any playdates, I postpone all trips to Target, and I usually cook Mac-n-Cheese for is a great day. This morning we had quite the lengthy play session with some new toys from the consignment sale. As lunch time neared I decided a short video would help everyone start to settle down and give me 15 minutes or so to do some writing.
As Isaac and I (and no less than 15 stuffed animals) sat on the couch, E. found herself a place on the floor along with her beloved Little People figures. Soon Winnie the Pooh and Tigger filled our television screen and I became lost in thought as I jotted ideas in my little notebook. A few minutes later, I heard Evelyn talking. I glanced up, attempting not to catch her eye, and saw her energetically playing with her new Little People SUV (again, consignment find), the Mommy figure, and the baby figure.
Here is the conversation that ensued from little Evelyn's mouth:
"Stro-der" (Stroller) said while holding Mommy figure
"No! Walk!" said while holding baby figure
"Stro-der" Mommy figure again
The conversation went downhill after this little exchange due to the arrival of the Little People school bus on the scene and the distraction of attempting to tame the mane of the lion figure.
Like I said above, play is a great tool for kids to convey emotions.
Evelyn and I have a very similar stroller discussion on a regular basis. Seems that her Little People experience such issue as well.
Perhaps I should drop another dollar in the "Therapy Fund" jar on my way to bed tonight...
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Bargain Hunting
Yet Saturday I found myself camping out, awaiting for doors to be open.
I was not waiting to purchase some tickets to a potentially sold-out show. Nope. I was waiting to get inside a children's consignment sale.
I guess one can officially say they are a mommy when one lines up two hours before a consignment event begins to make sure they have a prime spot in line. Fortunately I was able to huddle together with a die-hard group of shoppers who had brought their conversion van (and arrived five hours early to get in line) to avoid the wind and cold we experienced here on Saturday morning.
My two hour wait was rewarded as I have successfully secured Evelyn's spring/summer wardrobe for this year, most of it items still bearing their store tags. Unfortunately boys clothes are usually too worn to purchase at these sales, so Isaac was not so lucky. I did manage to find some books he has yet to own (including a Richard Scary one...his new favorite) so he didn't notice the large amount of clothes I carted in to the house last night.
On to the exciting part...the dresses.
Oh how I love little girl dresses.
Here is just a sample of the dresses I purchased for Evelyn yesterday:
Notice the dress on the far left...I was seriously considering not purchasing it. It was priced a bit high for such a sale and I was about to place it back on the rack. It was at that moment a lady stopped me and told me to purchase the dress. She said she was speaking on behalf of my mother (who she does not know) and that I had to buy that dress for my little girl. I figured anyone brave enough to state they were speaking on behalf of someone's mother must be the real deal, so I purchased it. I cannot wait for spring to get here so Miss E. can sport that frock in particular.
Speaking of E., here are her and the brother enjoying an afternoon snack outside.
The proclamations that come out of that boy's mouth on an almost hourly basis keep us laughing. From telling his sister that she needs to compromise to planning a sibling sleepover (not gonna happen considering the sister sleeps in a crib) to deciding that the letter "I" needs three lines as opposed to the standard two, the boy is a riot.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Okay...let me be a bit honest and say that Tobe, Isaac, and I love pancakes. We are pretty confident that Evelyn will one day love food other than chicken nuggets, fries, and yogurt but are prepared to host her future wedding reception offering only those three items if the need be.
Anyway..pancakes. They are a big hit around here and are usually reserved for Saturday mornings. However, Isaac enjoys a mid-week pancake as well. Mixing up a huge batch on a Tuesday morning currently does not work with our schedule, so I came up with a solution. When I make pancakes on a Saturday morning, I have begun making extra. I then let those extra cool, place them in Glad's Press and Seal Wrap, and toss them in the freezer.
When Isaac requests some pancakes on a random morning, I simply cut out how many I think he will eat and toss them in the toaster oven.
Easy stuff.
*Yes, that is Halloween-themed Press and Seal wrap. It was on clearance and as far as I know, my freezer is not offended by inappropriate holiday decor use.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Give Me A Break
I believe they inject it into all moms at one point or another during the birthing process, perhaps through the epidural line, maybe in some post-labor spiked cranberry juice (or in the innumerable bowls of Fruit Loops I consumed hours after Evelyn arrived into the world), or perhaps through a secret little device in the pen used to sign the adoption papers.
However "they" do it, that Mommy guilt is firmly implanted into the body the instant a woman takes hold of her child.
I am loving the Mommy confessions comments. Kelly--I used to sequester Isaac in front of a Baby Einstein movie when pregnant with Evelyn and in desperate need of some shut-eye. Ginger--I am loving your Nutrigrain breakfast story. Too funny. Ask my children about breakfast picnics sometime. They can totally relate to Gregory and Claire. Kelly S---you will appreciate the fact I have never sent a text in my life. Seriously.
Keep those Mommy confessions coming. I know we all have a whole bunch of "I-let-my-kids-eat-ice-cream-for-breakfast-just-to-hold-off-on-the-tantrums-for-another-few-hours" type stories we are just aching to tell someone.
I think the greatest thing about hearing other mommies relay their weak points is that we feel a bit better about our own weak points. We start to think that maybe we are not doing such a poor job in the parenting department, that perhaps our children might actually make it through adolescence without a stint in juvie or an appearance on Dr. Phil. Lately I have been trying to cut other mommies some slack, attempting not to look down on them when their kid is the holy terror at the park and also attempting not to emulate them because I feel they happen to have it all together at that exact moment. Mainly I have been trying to cut myself some slack, accepting that there will most likely be crumbs in my house round the clock and that there are days when one or both of my children transform into some sort of possessed being and naptime cannot come fast enough.
Any more confessions lingering out there anyone feels the need to divulge? Think of this as a bit of group therapy...
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Confessions of a Sanity-Deprived Mommy
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
The Wonder of the World Wide Web
I was a bit confused, because I could find no tool on the handy word processor I had drug to college titled "World Wide Web" nor had anyone told me about such a creature in my high school typing class (However, a fellow student did pierce her ears and those of a friend one day during said class. Ah, tales of high school. Tobe loves when I relate such stories.). As college progressed, so did my knowledge about this whole notion of the Internet. I quickly learned how to check my webmail in the university's campus center, how to find articles on the psychology database, and how to shop at at all hours of the day.
Obviously I was taking full advantage of the Internet in those days.
Despite the fact that I can hardly remember the world before the World Wide Web became second nature to us all, I still struggle at times to completely embrace all of it has to offer. My computing skills have surpassed those of my word processing days, however can be a bit basic at times.
If you glance at the left side of this blog, you will notice I have added a new button along with links that correspond to my "Feeding My Family on $100 a Week" series. Although not super fancy, they do provide a quick reference to these posts. Please enjoy at your leisure.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
My Funny Valentine
Friday evening, I made a heart-shaped pizza:
Saturday morning the family awoke to a decorated breakfast table, filled with the Valentines we had crafted for each other and a few little treats for the kids (candy and art supplies...because one can never have too much of either). We feasted on heart-shaped chocolate chip pancakes and juice and coffee. Again, the hearts were a bit more impressionistic rather than the traditional heart shape due to the fact I had to free hand "draw" them on the griddle. I forgot to snap a picture, but I am sure your imagination can only do their image justice.
After breakfast, I packed the kids up to head out to the grandparents house for a 24+ hour stay. They anxiously awaited Nana's arrival, peering out the front door hoping to glimpse the Nanamobile (our name for Nana's cool van with DVD player). The two decided to do some packing of their own, stuffing odds and ends into the gift bags which had held their Valentine's earlier in the morning.
Nana did arrive and took the kids away. After a brief pause to enjoy the silence of our house, Tobe and I packed ourselves up and headed out the door. We took in a movie, then left the suburbs for the lights of the big city.
We were lucky to meet Alejandro (Mr. Escovedo???) after the show and snap a quick photo with him. It was a great concert and a really intimate setting. Fun times, especially on Valentine's Day.
Friday, February 13, 2009
A Bicycle Built for Two
They don't seem to mind the frantic nature of their relationship, often consoling the sibling who just got reprimanded for hitting or helping retrieve a lost juice cup moments after attempting slamming the door in one's face.
Although they do not seemed fazed in the least by their shaky friendship, somedays it simply unnerves me. I wonder, "Will they talk again after they turn 22?" "Will they fight like this when it is time to decide what nursing home to place me in?" "Will we even make it to elementary school age if this fighting continues?".
This red hair might turn gray quicker than expected with such cycling attitudes around here.
Today we ventured out to the library, which has quickly become a favorite Friday tradition. Seems not too many people go to the library on a Friday morning, so we typically have the entire children's section to ourselves.
It is quite blissful.
I can browse the books, the kids can explore the play area or the computers, and we do not have to contend with twenty other parents and children. This morning after I had the children set up at their respective computers (with one computer separating them as a precautionary measure), I made a beeline for parenting section in search of books with such titles as "How to Parent Siblings Effectively" or "Brothers and Sisters Who Never, Ever Disagree" and perhaps "Stellar Parenting Tips for Individuals Named Lynley".
Although none of those particular titles lined the shelves (go figure), there were rows of books on sibling interaction. It was a tad overwhelming. Just as I was attempting to make my selection, I happened to get a glimpse of Isaac out of the corner of my eye. He had gotten up from his computer and was gently replacing Evelyn's headphones and attempting to straighten her hairbow, while showing her how to work the computer game.
My heart just melted.
I decided we were doing okay on with the whole sibling thing. No one has broken any bones yet and they both seem interested in each other still. Perhaps I can hold off on that type of parenting book for a few more months...
Thursday, February 12, 2009
The 14th of February

The first year Tobe and I were married, I spent two days cooking our Valentine's Day meal. It had several courses, required countless cookbooks, had a fiesta! theme, and not one frozen chicken nugget was involved. Fun times, those days when I had countless hours I could spend bustling around the kitchen.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
The Aftermath
Despite the fact we both hold higher level degrees, neither of us really is quite intelligent when it comes to behavior during thunderstorms. Last night our area was scheduled to be hit by severe weather. Due to the technology of meteorology these days, we were told what time exactly the storm would hit our neighborhood. 9:26pm was our scheduled time. Around 9:05pm Tobe and I began making preparations.
Currently only one car resides in the garage at casa de phillips due to the double jogging stroller, the single jogging stroller, the Little Tikes cozy coupe, the red push car, the tricycle, the umbrella stroller, and the large assortment of books (which had to be relocated when our study became Evelyn's room) that live on the other side of the garage. Yesterday at bible study a lady who sits next to me informed our table she was praying for hail (her husband owns a paintless dent removal shop) so to be sure to safely secure our cars when the severe weather hit later on. She seemed to be quite the Godly lady with an active prayer life, so last night Tobe and I quickly tossed children's items aside (meaning we stacked them on top of my car...sorry, no picture.) and pulled his car into the garage minutes before the storm was set to hit.
Then we quickly transformed into the worst storm victims possible.
With tornado seirns wailing, Tobe went outside for a quick look.
Meanwhile, I sat inside (flashlight ready) and complained that the storm was interfering with Dateline on NBC (it was the octuplet's mom interview...I am a bit fascinated by the craziness of this whole scenario). I did question at one point if we should wake the kids and place them in the bathtub, but that was only because it was a commercial break.
We did get about three minutes of severe weather, just enough to lose another pear tree in our front yard, the roof off our Little Tikes cabin, a portion of our back fence, something off the top of our house, and about 15 minutes of Dateline.
Here are a few pictures of our damage. Apparently a tornado did touch down relatively close to casa de phillips, but fortunately no one was injured in our area (some others in Oklahoma were not so fortunate. Keep those families in your prayers)
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
The One Where I Discuss the Restroom
I have pretty much discussed everything, from wild duck attacks to flying placentas (#42). Basically my Mommy-life is an open book for the Internet to enjoy.
One topic I have yet to discuss, due to its sensitive nature, is about to be thrown out there for all of the world wide web to read and contemplate.
It is The Mommy Potty Break.
Before having children, I never understood that one day that making a trip to the restroom would become equivalent to a covert operation in the military. I did not realize that I would most likely have four little eyes staring at me every time I made a trip to the facilities during the children's awake hours. I never knew of the questions that could come from little one's mouths and that they would feel the need to comment on every aspect of the restroom process.
Then I had two lovely children and now I have an audience in the bathroom on most occasions.
Good-bye, privacy.
Perhaps the whole labor process should have been the indication that my ol friend, Privacy, was gone for good once I strapped on that badge which read, "Mommy."
Not only is using the restroom at home an exciting moment for those in the three foot and under crowd, it also proves to be an exciting moment for all of us when out in public.
Back in the days when both children were still in strollers full-time, I never really contemplated using a public restroom. Sure, I had a captive audience and yes there would be questions...but I was getting that at home so it was not a big deal.
Then the oldest child began to be at the stage where the stroller is not really an option on everyday outings. And now the youngest child is usually stroller-free as well.
And the public restroom becomes a place of pure fear.
Although I try to avoid liquids and not eat too much while out just to avoid the Mommy Potty Break, there are times when I have to haul myself and both children into a restroom. Upon entering there are the instructions not to touch anything or put anything in one's mouth, not to sit down, and whatever anyone does absolutely DO NOT go near the door.
It is here that I must ask why we, as women and mommies, allow for bathrooms to have easily opened doors without latches placed at the very top to prevent curious hands from opening them at crucial moments?
Why has a woman not marketed some sort of portable fence/playpen that can be used in the public restroom to reign children in for those 2.7 seconds needed to take care of one's business?
Why have the Mommies of the world not united against stall doors and walls built with a large two foot gap at the bottom, perfect for little ones to quickly squeeze under at the precise moment Mommy cannot grab them?
Seriously there has to be some sort of Mommy entrepreneur out there inventing something to make the whole Mommy potty break much less terrifying.
Needless to say, I had an encounter with the Mommy Potty Break today. After dropping off Isaac at preschool, Evelyn and I headed off to bible study (Beth Moore's Esther study....just giddy over this one!). Well I drank a bit too much OJ and then a bit too much iced tea at lunch (E. and I had girl's lunch out since she did so well in class). After finishing our meals at "our" favorite girly spot (I am convinced E. will love it as much as me one day...even if they do not sell french fries nor chicken nuggets. She did taste some iced tea with lime and loved it.), it was time for the potty break.
E. was on a roll this morning, being exceptionally cute and darling. Some Luther Vandross song came on over the restaurant's speakers and that girl became a dancing fool. The girl who usually hates when strangers look at her was quite the entertainer for all the tables around us. She was chatty, she was full of expression, and she was down right darling.
Until we went to the restroom.
Evelyn stood in the assigned spot in the restroom, with her sweet little smile plastered on her face. She was enthralled with the floral decor and was discussing the "pink fow-ders" animatedly. I soon began to feel confident that this restroom experience was going to be okay, that I would be able to leave with my dignity in tact.
It was then that E. discovered the doorknob...the door knob that someone installed who must have never, ever taken small children into a public restroom with them.
Just as E exclaimed, "Oh, Mommy, open door!" and proceeded to act on her statement, I was able to grab the door and pull it shut. I imagine the majority of the small eatery heard my screams as I did so.
Good-bye, dignity. Have fun whooping it up with my former friend Privacy. The two of you sure will be missed...
The Mommy Potty Break....just another reason why motherhood is oh, so glamorous.
Monday, February 09, 2009
Solving the Craft Crisis
The lady simply stared blankly at ol Martha, presumably while she attempted to comprehend that this talk show host was indeed suggesting adding on to a house in order to create more room.
Obviously building on to one's house does indeed create more room, but the majority of us are not residents of the Hampton's nor do we have unlimited funds that allows for home renovations simply when spaces get tight.
Lately, our craft area has gotten out of control. At the beginning of last summer, I cleaned out a portion of my china cabinet to devote to the children's craft supplies. This worked for awhile, until things started to become untidy and I had to yell, "Catch that crystal glass before it breaks" to Isaac as he attempted to free a box of markers from the jumbled mess.
The craft chaos became so extreme I began dreading requests to do a craft. I *heart* all things involving creating, gluing, and cutting so if I was dreading craft time....the mess was out. of. control.
Finally I decided to move some decorative items out of the way and placed our crafting supplies in the shelves of the cabinet. Each child has their own craft bag, which can easily pulled down when the creative spirit fills their little souls. The red box contains paper while one of the jars holds feathers and the other holds tiny square scraps of paper (when we have scraps left over, I cut the pieces into tiny squares to use for mosaics). Isaac's workbooks sit on top of the red box.
And, Martha, I managed to do all of this without having to build a craft room off of the kitchen.
Saturday, February 07, 2009
Even Scary Birds Can't Keep Me Away from a Good Deal
I was a bit nervous about what the final total would be this week due to a lack of quality coupons (I had to pay full price for diapers today. Full price, people. That about killed me...fortunately the free toothpaste cheered me right up), but I managed to just go about six dollars over. Not too bad, considering the purchases made and the lack of coupons used.
I did manage to save approximately $50 this week by using my measly stack of coupons, by shopping the store ads, and by using a store reward card. Not too bad.
Sometime in the next week, I hope to have a button on my sidebar linking back to all my posts about feeding the family for under $100 a week. Be sure to look for it!
In the meantime, check out this blog of a fellow Mommy blogger attempting to feed her family for under $300 this month. Pretty impressive.
And she has a pretty fierce fashion sense as well.
Friday, February 06, 2009
The Valentine Brownie
Ummm...perhaps Hallmark can answer that question for you, son, because they made up the holiday in the first place.
In searching for an answer I have attempted to explain to Isaac that Valentine's Day is the day to tell friends and family you love them. I have opted to leave out the part about extreme commercialism of the whole event (just got an email this week from a large toy manufacturer wanting me to purchase V-Day toy packets for my kids...that started at $59.00. Whatever.) or how some day in middle school this will become a horrible rite of passage as some kids get to be the recipient of singing telegrams and others get left with nothing.
As you can tell, I am not the biggest fan of Valentine's Day. However, I do enjoy a good holiday so I still manage to scrape up some festiveness around the 14th of February each year.
Today was MOPS for this month and as table leader I attempt to bring a small treat for the gals at my table.
Things are a bit hectic this week, so I needed something quick, cute, and festive.
Behold: The Valentine Brownie
All I did was make two batches of brownies and allowed them to cool completely. After they were cooled, I then cut them into heart and flower shapes using small cookie cutters. Spray the cookie cutter with a bit of non-stick spray and the process will be quick and painless.
After cutting out my shapes, I whipped out this icing. Like I said, I needed something quick and "Make Royal Icing" did not fit into the schedule this week. I drizzled some on the top of each shape, tossed on some leftover sprinkles from Christmas, and VIOLA!
I packaged the brownies in these candy boxes purchased at our local craft store. Although cute, I would not recommend such packaging because there were no directions on how to assemble the boxes.
Dear Reader, I need directions.
After an extensive Google search and an hour of frustration, I finally figured out how to get the boxes to fold together. They were not exactly pretty, but they held together.
I then fashioned a bit of festive ribbon around the boxes and my treat for February was complete!
Thursday, February 05, 2009
A Photoshopped Existence
Wednesday, February 04, 2009
O, To Be a Super Hero Princess
I noticed Isaac playing with the only other little boy in the class, both being quite animated in their actions.
After Isaac got in the car, had ransacked the remnants of his lunchbox (why does school make one soooo hungry?), and had proudly displayed his prize for earning ten good behavior stickers; I mentioned how he and the other boy had been playing on the playground and how I was happy to see them playing together.
Isaac then informed me that he and this other child (who is a really nice kid) were having to "fight the girls."
Then a very long tale of how boys must fight off girls because they are knights and girls are superhero princesses ensued. It was a very long tale, with many details I did not quite understand nor really care to hear again.
I then told Isaac that I was a girl so that must make me a superhero princess (and really, who would not want to be both superhero and princess?) and such hybrids (ok, I didn't use the term "hybrid") must be pretty cool.
Without giving so much as a brief pause, he replied, "You're not a girl. You're Mommy."
Tuesday, February 03, 2009
Tell-All: Night Stand Edition
Contents include:
One phone base minus the cordless phone
One clock
One travel clock that I use for alarm purposes only (it has been with me since it. Might cry if it ever dies.)
One baby monitor that I have not turned on in a good two months
One pair of glasses (can see Evelyn sporting such eye wear here)
One hair pin used to secure hair in bun before bedtime
Two writing notebooks, filled with various thoughts/ideas/ramblings
One bible, that has been with me since about 1991. Will cry if it is ever lost.
One stray receipt from Half Price Books
Book: Can You Keep a Secret?
Book: Positive Discipline for Preschoolers
Book: Down a Sunny Dirt Road (autobiography of Stan and Jan Berenstain, authors of Berenstain Bear series)
Here is a snapshot of Tobe's nightstand. It is a bit more tidy than mine. I am a tad too lazy tonight to actually walk over and examine the titles of his books, however I do know he is reading this book because I purchased it for him for Christmas. Notice the clock...I bought that for him after he ran his first marathon.
What is on your nightstand? Any good books or interesting objects ?
Tonight after bath, Isaac said, "Hey, Daddy, 'X' marks the pot!" I thought it was hilarious. I was the only I said, I am a bit brain dead.
Check out this sweet girl feeding her Baby Kate. She is such a good mommy and only carries her babies by their hair on occasion these days. She insists on changing one of her doll's diapers before her own diaper can be changed. Cute little quirk...most days.
Monday, February 02, 2009
Feeding our Family: Week 4
**Please note that I am not attempting to be pious here...I, too, drink expensive coffee on occasion and we own a gaming system here at casa de phillips. I was not attempting to offend, simply make a point.***