For those of you Oprah fans, today was her annual Favorite Things show. I found myself wondering as I was cleaning the bathrooms (oh the glamorous life I lead), why do we care what Oprah's favorite things are? This show creates hysteria among audience members. Are they really that excited to hear what Oprah loves this year or they ecstatic that they get a bunch of free stuff (free until they pay the taxes on all the goodies--bet that "free" $1200 purse doesn't look so good then)? Besides, Oprah has admitted that she doesn't have good taste. All of her "favorite" things are likely picked out by a team of stylist and publicity people. Despite my cynical attitude towards this show, I did write on my list of things to do today "Watch Oprah." Yep, it was right there in capital letters below "Change Oil" and "Mop Kitchen". So those readers who think I am hating on Ms. Winfrey, have no worries. I was right there with you, glued to the TV this afternoon at 4pm wondering what she would reveal next. I am just wondering why her favorite things create such a widespread panic. Why do we not care what Steve Martin's favorite things are or even what Crystal Valeta on Channel 11 news has on her Christmas list this year (I just picked her because one time Tobe and I saw her at the Palace Theater here in Grapevine and also because she looks like my roommate from Graduate school). I have decided to disclose my own list of Favorite things, just in case you were wondering and to help you out this Friday as you swarm the malls in search of the perfect gift. However, as you read this list, please don't be disappointed when no one dressed in a elf costume arrives at your computer with all of these items.
Lynley's Favorite Things
(feel free to jump up and down, crying from the excitement you are now experiencing as you anticipate reading this list)
1. Pro-Active Solution: This is the BEST face wash out there. My skin was fine until I went to college in Abilene. I believe that the West Texas water left such harsh deposits on my face that it might never recover. However, once I started using Pro-Active Solution, my skin is clear again and I rarely have any irritation. The best part about Pro-Active is that P.Diddy is now promoting it. I feel like I have a connection with him and am hoping for an invite to his next party in the Hamptons.
2.Flavors of Florence Gelato: Those of you familiar with the Grapevine area, know that Flavors of Florence closed over a year ago. This wonderful shop was within walking distance of our house and we would often go on an evening walk and just "happen" to stop there. Well Flavors of Florence now resides inside Napoli's Italian Cafe on Main Street. They do not have as many flavors as the original store, but it is still quite as tasty.
3. Mr. Clean Magic Eraser: I had this huge scuff mark on my kitchen floor that a cute pair of sandals put there LAST summer. I scrubbed at this mark with every cleaner on the shelf at Target and nothing worked. Then I tried the Magic Eraser--the mark came off with ease. This is truly a magic eraser. I plan on cleaning my entire kitchen floor with it.
4. Quick Trip Soda Center: This is the best place to make a large drink to go. You get to choose between crushed, cubed, or "sonic" ice. Then you can make any kind of drink imaginable. Tobe and I went to the QT a lot this summer (we used the pregnancy as our excuse). Our favorite was the Orange Creamsicle, which had orange soda, slurpee, and frothed milk in it. Sounds gross, but it was delicious. You can pick up a recipe book at the Quick Trip which will tell you all sorts of drinks to make or you can go on-line and find QT concoctions.
5. The Amazing Miracle Blanket--If you have a child under five months, you need this blanket. It works wonders for sleep. About ten minutes ago, Isaac started to get cranky and fussy because he was tired. As I wrapped him up, he began to laugh. Then he instantly fell asleep. I cannot say enough how this blanket is truly a MIRACLE!
6. Bare Minerals ID foundation--Again, this is another infomercial product that you can now buy at ULTA. It is the best foundation ever! It is a powder and is great for the skin. About month three into my pregnancy, those hormones kicked in and the skin went crazy. I rushed to ULTA (armed with my $3.50 coupon) and searched for something to clear up my skin. I found Bare Minerals and have never gone back. Yes, it is a little pricey, but I decided that clear skin is worth it. This stuff is so great that you can sleep in it and your skin looks wonderful in the morning. It stayed with me through 26 1/2
hours of labor (see picture--please note that I somehow messed up the dimensions of this picture while moving it. ) Now, if you happen to promote skin care products that are anti-minerals, please do not email me and tell me all the horrible things that will happen to my face in the next 20 years if I put minerals on it. I have seen the baby oil and saltine cracker test and simply don't really care. If it makes me look good today and has sunscreen, then sign me up!
7. Rhodes Roll Dough: I always have a package of this in the freezer. You can make almost anything with this dough: pizza, calzones, pot pie, strombolli, cinnamon rolls, etc. I use it a lot, especially for making our own version of "hot pockets" to get rid of leftovers. Supposedly there is a wheat version of the Rhodes Roll Dough, but I have yet to find it. The key to this baking wonder is to get the roll dough, not the bread dough. The roll dough allows you to pull out exactly the amount that you need, thus avoiding waste.
8. Rachel Ray: This is my favorite chef on the foodnetwork. I know that you cannot go out and buy Rachel Ray for Christmas, but you can purchase her cookbooks, DVDs, and knives. I find her recipe's to be simple, fast, and fun. Plus she is so perky that it makes me want to have my own cooking show.
9.Fleurville Mothership Diaper Bag: This is a wonderful diaper bag. It is sturdy, so you can throw it into the backseat of your car and not worry that it is going to lose its shape. It is vinyl, so your child can throw-up all over it and it looks good as new after a minor scrubbing. Besides, it is called the Mothership. It doesn't get any cooler than that!
There you have it---A list of a few of my favorite things. I hope this helps in your Christmas shopping and cuts down on holiday stress. And for those of you wondering, I did cross "Watch Oprah" off my list at 5pm sharp.