Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Managing an infant and a toddler without going insane

Adding children to one's family is a blessing. Such a blessing can also be a test of a mother's time management skills, patience, and creativity as she attempts to care for a newborn and a toddler simultaneously...(to read more, go here)


Robin said...

Enjoyed this article! It was motivating to read that there are other things I could say to Clara and Ian while I nurse Jane besides, "Quit climbing on me" and, "Go play." :)

See you soon!

Erika said...

As you can imagine, this is a hot topic at our house right now. However, it is going much smoother than I could have ever hoped! I like the idea of creating a basket--something I've been meaning to do.
I've recruited S to be mommy's helper. While nursing he likes to go get things (burp cloths, new outfits, diapers) for me--if I need them or not! :)